20 Jun '19
The Power Of Yoga

We are each unique in our story and journey. So too our individual path to yoga is unique and special. Today, on International Yoga Day, we celebrate the unique journey and purpose yoga has played in each of our lives. Some are born with yoga in their blood… parents or family members dedicated to the practice from a young age. Others come to yoga through trauma, heart break, and learning to love themselves again. We are honored to share the story of local Venice teacher Hannah Dawe, our teacher at our Love Yoga Day class, with you today. We would love to hear from you and hear how yoga has played a role in your life journey!

How did you come to yoga?
My mom. I didn’t love it at first. At fourteen years old, dance, soccer and my social life were more interesting. Later during the transition from high school to college, anxiety started to disturb my ability to enjoy many of the things that used to bring me joy. It was the darkest time of my life, my heart and mind infiltrated by self-loathing and body shaming, which led to entering myself in a rehab center where I began my journey of healing my eating disorder. At my darkest moments, I believed that food was the only thing that I could control, and if I looked a certain way, then I would be worthy of love. Yoga was a constant companion on this dark road that led me to liberation of body, mind, and spirit. Yoga allowed me to surrender control in a safe space and offer up a deep release - it reminded me of my power to self soothe.
How has yoga shifted your life?
It changed my life! Staying consistent with practice, studying the philosophy and meditating cleanses the lenses through which I see myself and the world. Before yoga, I had massive blind spots (still working on them). Yoga brought light to the inner narratives and patterns that were the source of unnecessary dis-ease and gave me tools to liberate myself.
What role does yoga play in your life now?
The role of Yoga in my life can change day to day. I view the practice as an adaptogen - it gives me what I need and shows me what I need to see to evolve.
What’s your favorite yoga pose?
Love a good supported bridge. Takes the weight out of the legs, relieves pressure that can get pent up in the lower back and overall feels heavenly.
What do you love most about teaching yoga?
I love it all! Movement, music and community are three elements that make me feel connected and alive. The fact that I get to share these healing modalities that empower me to empower others is rad.
My mom. I didn’t love it at first. At fourteen years old, dance, soccer and my social life were more interesting. Later during the transition from high school to college, anxiety started to disturb my ability to enjoy many of the things that used to bring me joy. It was the darkest time of my life, my heart and mind infiltrated by self-loathing and body shaming, which led to entering myself in a rehab center where I began my journey of healing my eating disorder. At my darkest moments, I believed that food was the only thing that I could control, and if I looked a certain way, then I would be worthy of love. Yoga was a constant companion on this dark road that led me to liberation of body, mind, and spirit. Yoga allowed me to surrender control in a safe space and offer up a deep release - it reminded me of my power to self soothe.
How has yoga shifted your life?
It changed my life! Staying consistent with practice, studying the philosophy and meditating cleanses the lenses through which I see myself and the world. Before yoga, I had massive blind spots (still working on them). Yoga brought light to the inner narratives and patterns that were the source of unnecessary dis-ease and gave me tools to liberate myself.
What role does yoga play in your life now?
The role of Yoga in my life can change day to day. I view the practice as an adaptogen - it gives me what I need and shows me what I need to see to evolve.
What’s your favorite yoga pose?
Love a good supported bridge. Takes the weight out of the legs, relieves pressure that can get pent up in the lower back and overall feels heavenly.
What do you love most about teaching yoga?
I love it all! Movement, music and community are three elements that make me feel connected and alive. The fact that I get to share these healing modalities that empower me to empower others is rad.

How do you practice yoga off the mat?
Listening. Staying receptive when I want to check out. Being conscious of how my actions, purchases and inactions affect the greater earth community.
Taking deep breaths in LA traffic.
Practicing patience, living openheartedly and trusting in the process.
Listening. Staying receptive when I want to check out. Being conscious of how my actions, purchases and inactions affect the greater earth community.
Taking deep breaths in LA traffic.
Practicing patience, living openheartedly and trusting in the process.