14 Mar '19
Spring Equinox

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. On March 21st, the Northern Hemisphere celebrates Ostara, or the Spring Equinox.
The Equinox is a time of balance, as the earth’s equator aligns perfectly with the sun, allowing for exactly 12 hours of darkness and lightness. It is a time of balance between the light and dark, yin and yang, and the masculine and the feminine. This celestial balance has a deeply profound energetic meaning. This is a time of energetic beginnings, where old outdated ways of thinking and acting are replaced by more high vibrational ways of being. Especially at this energetic timing, new things are opening up to us, the infinite possibilities are seeping into our consciousness, and we are more in tune to what is in alignment for us. We are asked to trust the degree of alignment we are experiencing, and delve deeply into this inner compass of true north. When we shift through all that no longer belongs to us, we are able to see clearly where we want to go. During this equinox, we are asked to not be afraid to embrace the new, for what you are attracted to would not come to you if you were not in alignment.

Spring Mantra:
I allow the flow of my life. I am open to the new blessings and abundance coming my way.
Spring Stones:
Carnelian: growth, manifestation, creation
Moonstone: trust, flow, fertility
Rose Quartz: unconditional love, balancing hormones
Clear Quartz: rejuvenate, amplify, purify
Spring Flowers:
Spring Oils:

Spring Rituals:
Embracing Fertility
The spring goddess of fertility, Freya reminds us of our own internal wellness. As the world blooms, we to are given the opportunity to flourish in all ways.
Fertility ritual ( don’t worry, this is also for how to birth new creative ideas and abundance into your world).
Use spring flowers like daffodils or daisies and plant them in your garden. As you plant them, visualize the deep roots going deep into the earth. Next imagine that you are rooted firmly into the earth and can pull power and energy from it’s core. Then imagine the petals as your outer being – this symbolizes how you can take better care of your body, and imagine yourself flourishing with vitality and beauty. Finally, feel the magic of the flower and surrender it’s growth and beauty up to the universe. Know that it will come to you in perfect timing and in the most graceful and righteous of ways.
Visualize Vitality
Find yourself a spot outside where you won't be disturbed. Sit in quite space and allow yourself to feel the warm sun on your face. Imagine this warmth spreading, a golden glow journeying along your legs, your knees, and finally to your feet.
Feel your connection to the earth. Imagine that warmth growing and spreading from your body into the ground. Visualize yourself connecting deeply with the earth and it’s warmth.
Imagine the ones you love with you, connecting to your roots and feeling the warmth and light pulsing together. Feel that you are energetically connected and your light and happiness fuels each other.
Sacred Clearing
Spring is not only about the new, but also about releasing the old.
Clean out your closet of anything that does not bring you joy.
Surrender that it is now able to give joy and love to someone else, and you are creating space for things that are a vibrational match to enter into your consciousness.
May your spring equinox be a time of renewal, joy, and cleansing.
Sending love from our Onzie family to yours.