04 Jun '20
The Power Of Mindfulness

In times of great change, shame creates division. We are our strongest when we are united together, when we find a common ground of love, respect, and teaching and learning from our fellow humans.
We have entered unprecedented times. Times of change, times of separation, and fear. But with these moments have also emerged great acts of love, peace, compassion, and humanity.
As a world, we are experiencing truly challenging times, but with challenges comes great responsibility. We are honored, as a company and a community, to embrace this responsibility to harness change and influence the power of mindfulness.
We are always in a state of choice : choosing courage or fear, peace or hate, acceptance or rejection. Now more than ever we are able to honor the choices of others as we honor what is best for our growth towards creating a world that honors people from all walks of life.
Six months ago, a mask meant very little to most of us. Now, it is an integral part of our daily lives. Every time you wear your mask, you are making a choice to act with love and respect for yourself and for those around you.

Get a 2-pack of pre-assorted colors for $24
Mindful Masks are made from up-cycled material used in our yoga clothing
Proceeds will be donated to healthcare workers across America through a donation to the Center For Disaster Philanthropy.