06 Jun '19
Waking up early (between 6-7am) is the perfect way to start the day, as our bodies are programmed to begin with the rising of the sun. Start the day journaling three pages of stream of thought. Anything from dreams to what you’re grateful for. Or try a meditation. Even 10 minutes of mindfulness in the morning can transform your day. You’re clearing your slate and getting ready for the day.
Move your body early and simply. Don some comfy yoga wear for morning stretches, yoga, or a walk to move static energy from your body. This creates a clear mind and body for the day. 30 minutes a day is the perfect amount for a boost of endorphins.

By writing down your goals for the day, you are 60% more likely to complete your tasks. Write your tasks for the day, including work, health (1 liter of water, 8 hours of sleep, no television before bed, etc.) and even reminders to breathe. Checking off those tasks feels so rewarding and inspires you to keep going. A planner is perfect for this! Decide what you want to get out of your LifePlanner, and choose the layout that fits your unique goals. Pick a cover and interior color scheme that sparks joy & inspires you to plan a life you love. Personalize it! Explore fun & functional planning accessories, like snap-in to-do lists, bookmarks, sticky notes, stickers & more, and create an entire planning system that motivates & inspires you to set goals, stick to the plan & SUCCEED! When you move into your planner, start by adding important dates, appointments & events to your calendar & build out your planning from there.
Categorize your tasks by category, so that you can “content block” your tasks. This saves mental space and energy. Completing all emails in a block of time, all content creation, all invoicing, etc. helps you to be systematic with your tasks. Work can bring disorganizing stress and chaos... but it can also bring us fulfillment, joy, satisfaction, money, confidence, and all sorts of other things! The Workspace Wellness Kit is the ultimate tool kit to keep you stress free while working, but inspired and strong-willed to deal with whatever situation is thrown your way.
To avoid burnout, be sure to unplug. Try to turn off devices and logoff by 8:30 each night. This allows you to decompress and prep yourself for the next day.